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My Ideals.

Just as, for example, self-proclaimed 'liberals' and 'conservatives' have ideals based on their political views, which earned them labels of 'liberal' and 'conservative' in the first place, my ideals are to live a racist-free life where individuality is considered before racial-grouping. For example, long ago, dark-skinned Indians were considered 'untouchables,' which means they were the lowest of Indian social classes. Also, during Adolf Hitler's reign in Germany, Nazi practiced Eugenics, which is the study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding, because the Nazi's believed other races were scientifically inferior. Most contemporary scientific research concluded humans, no matter the 'race,' only differ in terms of appearance, hair-texture, and skin color. The only agent that influences racism is cultural differences, as said by W. E. B. Du Bois.

For example, one can refer to Western culture as 'White culture' simply because Whites created it. African culture can therefore be regarded as 'Black culture' in the same instance. Because Western culture was centered around the foundation of a current 'developed' society, some individuals of Western culture would compare their 'White culture' to another such as 'Black culture' and compare the two cultures. Because Western culture revolves around commerce, economics, education and trivial aspects such as celebrities, fashion, and beauty, the Westerners could say 'Black culture' pales in comparison to their own, which leads to them to believe the Africans are inferior. It also leads them to ask, 'Why are the Africans inferior to us?' Thus, they conduct research, or either take a gamble and jump to conclusions by means of making generalizations. People consider these 'racist.'

That equals many hypothesis such as 'Blacks are genetically less intelligent.' However, hence I used the word 'Blacks.' I used the word 'Blacks' because when people view 'African culture,' they see *Black* people, so they refer to the Africans as 'the Blacks.' Therefore, when someone asks 'why are they less intelligent considering they didn't develop their societies yet,' they're more likely to say 'the Black people' rather than 'the people of African culture' because it's more convenient. However, some people took the convenient wordplay rather seriously throughout history, which, again, leads me to Adolf Hitler.

Apparently, Hitler thought the Jews, another culture and religious group of the White race, were inferior and required 'cleansing.' Because of his Eugenic beliefs, the Holocaust killed an estimate of over 6,000,000 Jews during World War II throughout Europe. That proves he thought the Jews were inferior as individuals, not simply because the Jews had some inferior people within their group. Coming back to the contemporary world, today's racism is quite similar to Hitler's, although, without the attempted genocide, Nazis, and weapons. It's similar because many people mistake all the individuals of a particular group as 'inferior' rather than actual 'inferior' people.

For example, if one believed [Black] criminals were 'inferior,' so be it. The Black population is 41,000,000+/- and as of 2008, a little over one million Black males have been convicted of a crime. Thus, to the individual with the 'inferior' belief, the characteristic is only attributed to the Blacks that have committed a crime, not the entire population. Nonetheless, because Blacks are the leaders of criminal offenses, even though less than 1% of Blacks are actually criminals, the 'Black race' gets treated like an untouchable because 'it's' criminal. That creates negativity associated with all Black people. "Don't bring a Black guy home dear, he's probably a criminal." "Oh my gosh, too many Blacks!"

In other words, being Black becomes negative simply because a few people couldn't interpret individuality within a different group, and like the past, the so-called 'inferior' group becomes an untouchable. Therefore, my *ideal* is to live in a world where people realize people, no matter the race, or better yet, no matter the culture, have their fair-share of problems as an individual. People don't mentally or physically bond together and commit a negativity; it happens on their own accord. My ideal is to live in a society where people would understand that. My ideals are based upon the truth, not just a belief.

No matter the site, I see racist comments aimed toward Black people that otherwise wouldn't have been said in person. Most comments are based on the belief the entire group is inferior. If I lived in the ideal world of no racism, those comments wouldn't exist. I don't want to be considered low or an untouchable simply because people base 'inferiority' on a *few* 'inferior' people of that particular group. If one wishes to call me 'inferior,' at least point out my own 'inferior' characteristic. Many people use race and country as a means to determine to 'superior' and 'inferior.'

For instance, many racist Whites believe they're superior because Whites created 'Western' culture. Because they established such organized and complex society, they must be more 'fit' than people of other cultures. However, those accomplished ancient Whites achieved when they created Western culture was accomplished by them and them only. Simply because they live within a society ancient Whites created doesn't mean they created it themselves, or that they're capable of creating new societies. Though I know the 'White race' has more positive stereotypes than the Black, even if the 'Black race' had all positive stereotypes, I wouldn't use them to antagonize people of different races.

Consider for example, America. America has over $14,000,000,000,000 and has the largest import rate of all countries. That means many other countries, such as India and China, benefit our money in return for their goods. Despite that, I don't sign onto the internet and send people of different countries messages that state how 'better' America is than their country. The $14,000,000,000,000 and commerce success are not *my* accomplishments. Therefore, if I wished to degrade someone, I'd do so with my own characteristics, yet, that wouldn't happen because I have *real* consideration for people's feelings. That's my ideal.

Sure, the 'Black race' may be flawed and inferior, but many Black individuals are definitely the opposite. As an individual, I oppose all negativity attributed to the 'Black race.' I began school in special-education classes and didn't learn to read effectively until 5th grade. After middle school, I made As and Bs, and eventually, straight-As in high school. I run a highly-frequented salon in my parents house, and can still pay my bills efficiently, and I'm currently studying to be a teacher. Despite this, you wouldn't find me walking the streets or entering chat rooms to discuss how much 'better' of a person I am. Simply because you've accomplished things that can be consider good doesn't make you a better person.

I can say those are 'superior' characteristics according to the logic of a racist, but to me, they're just normal. I'm only doing what I was expected to do. Next time, if any racist wants to prove (s)he is 'superior' to me, (s)he better come with *individual* characteristics rather than those of the entire group, and I'd be happy to compare. Bring it! Long as I see anything that goes against my ideal, my issue would continue.

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