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Personification of A Cash Flow

Before reading my writings, please, gasp among the true statistics: Fun with facts: Summarizing the stats, 70% of female inmates in American prisons were initially arrested for prostitution. 77.8% of arrests are women, 22.2% men. Also, prostitutes account for 90% of the arrests, their clients for only 10%. If prostitution were made legal, the number of arrested females and female inmates would gradually decrease. Reports show prostitutes have been “horribly beaten” by their pimps an average of 58 times a year. However, pimps aren't required for prostitutional assistance. Over 1 million people in the US have worked as prostitutes, and many work every night despite its criminalization. Therefore, it's not a problem. Also, the decriminalization of prostitution wouldn't suddenly increase the number of prostitutes because humans have independent minds.


Many things simply cannot be done in society. For instance, one cannot have a regular stroll downtown wearing nothing more than a pair of headphones listening to music on an Mp3 player without attracting attention from onlookers, commuters, and the police, ready to make an arrest for indecent exposure. One cannot tell his friends or anyone in particular he and his sister are getting married without hearing gasps, seeing disgusted looks on people’s faces, or hearing negative judgments for marriage within the family. One cannot excrete on the sidewalk like a wild animal on a busy street downtown without attracting negative attention or laughter emitting from a school bus of unruly teens. Finally, one cannot have sex in public or bring sex it into conversation, despite its popularity and value when done privately. These social restrictions are called ‘taboos.’ Some taboos are legal but ‘socially restricted,’ such as publicly discussing sex in a ‘non-sexual area,’ whereas most are illegal, like public nudity. Notwithstanding the harmlessness of the provided taboos, they are still socially restricted based on people’s general opinions and the effects they leave behind. Therefore, sex is considered great when done privately, but when done in public or even mentioned in public conversation, it becomes either ‘trashy,’ or ‘sinful.’ Nonetheless, prostitution is nearly always considered taboo in any instance for numerous reasons despite its harmlessness.

So what's the deal?
Although, prostitution being taboo is not the problem, but rather, prostitution being illegal is. In my experiences, I’ve recently learned a few of my family members had to rely solely on government handouts, fast-food work and the most important of all, prostitution, to literally maintain a decent way of living. One in particular was my cousin, whom was a young prostitute at the time. I’m not sure if she liked her occupation, but from what I’ve heard, I knew for sure she left home nearly every night and brought money home to support herself and family in need. Therefore, I firmly believe if a profitable occupation can help people without harming others to receive pay, no matter if the worker directly hates her occupation and/or if others disapprove of it and her actions, it shouldn’t be illegal. For instance, if my cousin, whom was providing a majority of her prostitution money to her family in need, were to get arrested, the cash flow would diminish and they would get no support.

Nevertheless, the law has its inconsistencies, for in various parts of America, prostitution is illegal, but the porn industry, as long as the participants are 18 and over, is the direct opposite. The porn industry shares many similarities, therefore, making it safe to be classified as ‘high-priced prostitution,’ for the porn stars are hired by major corporations, and get paid large amounts to simply have sex, instead for entertainment rather than just pleasure and money like prostitution. If that’s the case, why is prostitution illegal?

Prostitution causes no harm, and nor does it threaten property. In fact, it betters the participant’s financial difficulties in a pleasurable and easy experience with no strings attached. Why disallow that from people?

Is prostitution rape?
No, prostitution is NOT rape by any means. Rape is a federal offense by which the perpetrator forces his victim to have sex against her will. Prostitutes in general make their own decisions, usually out of desperation, but nonetheless, out of the woman’s own free will. If a client were to have forced sex with an unwilling prostitute, the crime would then be considered rape, but remember, the crime had NOTHING to do with prostitution, but instead, the client’s sexual desire, which must have been pathetic considering how he felt he needed to a rape the woman who’s occupation is to have sex with him already for a reasonable price, unless he was unwilling to pay. Never forget, prostitution is merely the sell of sexual services, rape is sex by force, so they are entirely different. For example, let’s say Ashley’s husband John wanted to have sex, but when she was unwilling, he raped her as a result of his rage. Does that make being a marital couple rape? No. It makes John a rapist, thus, having the crime being in NO WAY involved with being married. Although, if referring to another person forcing someone into prostitution, technically, it isn’t rape. For example, if Jack forced Jane to be a prostitute without having forced physical sex with her, he wouldn’t be charged with rape, but rather for pandering a prostitute. If the cases were more serious as in involving organizations participating in ‘shipping’ women to facilities such as brothels, the crime could be considered serious as human trafficking, but not rape.

Is prostitution good for society?
In my opinion, if utilized correctly and licensed, yes, it can be. Society may get judgmental by assuming the sale of sex is morally wrong for its promiscuous method of operation due to religion, but in reality, it does support the participant without harming anyone, whether (s)he wanted to choose the occupation or not, and anyways, what harmless activity another chooses to do in her personal life should be none of our business. Many women choosing to be prostitutes are poor women lacking skills, so a job involving selling sex via street prostitution would could be a great way for participants to make pocket change and/or, if done correctly, to make it into the pornography industry, which offers more money depending on the industry. Many poor female prostitutes lacking efficient skills struggle in contemporary society by only being allowed to work minimum wage jobs, needing governmental assistance to stay afloat. Therefore, many choose to be prostitutes, doing nothing more than having sex for a price. If it can help women in poverty pay their rent, bills, and put food on the table, it should be allowed because it’s actually helping.

Is prostitution degrading in general?
Disobeyed morals create degradation which is generally caused by participating in acts considered taboo by society. Therefore, people feel porn, prostitution, and the participation in the sex industry is degrading. Naturally, almost no one would deliberately choose to degrade themselves, for people, no matter how often they deny it, generally care about other’s opinions. For example, in American society where nudity is taboo, would you strip in public? I’m assuming not. Would you strip in public if you were paid $3,000? I believe so. Personally, I would. I have nothing to be ashamed of because I wouldn’t care about people’s opinions regarding my actions. Sex should be done in a fashion favoring the participating individuals. It doesn't HAVE to be an act of love just like it doesn't HAVE to be an act of reproduction. It’s a blessing of nature because we humans are one of the few animals to have sex for other means besides reproduction, whereas dolphins also have sex for pleasure. Sex can be utilized for pleasure, love, entertainment, and money. It doesn’t have to be an act of reproduction or love. If that were not the case however, condoms wouldn't exist, as they aren't used ONLY to prevent STD’s, but to stop sperm from entering the vagina, effectively terminating fertilization.

My comments: Chances are, if the woman is willing to provide for herself by any means, she wouldn’t care about other people’s opinions. Many people in contemporary society label acts such as being a porn star or prostitute ‘slutty’ or ‘degrading,’ but could never provide a sufficient explanation. They simply go along with society’s ‘prostitution-is-bad-because-I-say-so’ belief.

Is sex work degrading to women?
When people say porn/prostitution is degrading to women, it makes my skin crawl. The participants don't have sex to represent all women, but to please themselves and others, while making money to put food in the refrigerator and to fulfill other wants and needs. Participants are only being themselves and living their own lifestyles whether we like it or not. However, if the women said during the film, “I'm going to have this man bang me for every woman across the globe,” it would be different because she attempted to reach out to every woman by having sex. Even then, one with a powerful mind should not be offended because that person would think, “This girl doesn't represent me, so who cares? I just want to see some porno.” If any female develops low self-esteem because of someone else's occupation, appearance, or anything, they're weak-minded because any powerful-minded individual would realize otherwise and say, “I don't need to have sex with random guys in account of my gender. I also don't need to look like her to be attractive. I'm fine being myself.” Simply put, sex work doesn’t represent all women because they’re individuals, just as people without jobs involving sex don’t represent all women. Also, it's 100% percent natural to have sex, as many people have done it in their bedrooms, so why not film it or charge money? Also, I don't think it's degrading because LEGAL porn has adult men and women whom are well-aware of their actions. Chances are, they simply don't believe in true love relationships, and they believe in having safe, STD-free sex with people of the porn industry. The women aren't degrading themselves because they're adult and they make their own decisions as INDIVIDUALS, not to represent all women. Also, because degradation is opinionated, it depends on how the individual feels about her occupation, as opposed to other people’s judgments. Whether the prostitute feels degraded or not does not matter. For instance, many people consider legal and common occupations such as being a cleaner or burger flipper degrading, nonetheless, many people still utilize those jobs when in need of money. In my case, I respect all the jobs of all people. For instance, in Dominick’s, the
bagger’s job is to bag my groceries to make it easier for me, while at Burger King, their job is to take my money, cook my food, and hand it to me so I can eat without having to cook myself, but at the Supper Club, it’s the waitress’s job to take my order and bring me my food because I’m too lazy to return to Dominick’s to buy my own food. I’m assuming you believe I’m condescending based on my tone, as I’m maybe attempting to make their jobs sound worthless and degrading, but if my dialog were changed around a bit and the italic and bold words were changed to a regular style, I would sound a lot more respectable, or at least neutral. Yet, here’s my point; the tone people use when referring to prostitution is the same as my example tone for other jobs seen above. Despite these people serving me, I still have respect for their occupations and I, even most of the workers, do not consider their jobs degrading. Prostitution should be no different even if sex is a social taboo. If prostitutes do however feel degraded, people’s negative judgments are to blame because if everyone suddenly sees prostitution as an occupation to respect, prostitutes would have higher self-esteem because of the new ‘value’ in their occupations. If you met a lady and she told you she was a doctor, you’d probably say, “Great job, school must have been difficult.” If she told you she was a prostitute, you’d probably say “Oh my god! You disgust me!” Think, if women really are degrading themselves, it should be no different in the perspective of men because if people of society could somehow have things figured out about female sex workers see through women and judge, they should note men are ‘degrading’ themselves by having to pay for sex, participating in the same act. However, it’s only a double-standard.

My comments: Consider this; no one in general wants to be degraded. I can relate to the men as well, as if I were a man and I didn't believe in relationships, I wouldn't mind having sex with an STD-free, attractive woman who's mature enough to handle it. It's also a natural thing, and without it, we wouldn't have been born. Sex should be utilized with independent human decision, whether it's giving fellatio, cunnilingus, etc, or even videotaping a NATURAL act, modified to their preference. Chances are, you wouldn't want people telling you how to have sex, whether private or public. Also, it's good for others and me personally because learning methods to pleasure your partner. The same could be said for prostitution about being pleasurable.

Should the government put a price on those vulvae?
If utilized correctly, the legalization of prostitution could better the economy and save the ongoing recession in America, but not by prostitutes providing for themselves, but instead, by putting a price tag on those hookers pussies. As stated earlier, a large number of men pay for sex. If a majority of prostitutes safely worked in brothels as 'call-girl' prostitutes rather than 'street' prostitutes, the amount of money earned from brothels could be paid to the workers, owners, and the government via tax or donation. Because sex work is nothing more than bumping privates or doing other kinky acts for a price without requiring much skill, it would have no problem with laying off workers, or bringing home money for the people in need because, if not impaired, sex is simple. Therefore, if legal, the prostitutes, who are typically poor women looking for support, could have a well-paying occupation, whether working in the streets or elsewhere, For instance, the major porn industries generate over millions of dollars from soliciting women on videos. If the porn companies paid taxes, the government would have a lot of extra money to support those in need.

How would STDs be controlled?
Before I give my explanation, read the statistics of STD’s and prostitution. The U.S. Department of Health consistently reports that only 3-5% of the sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35% among teenagers). There is no statistical indication in the U.S. that prostitutes are vectors of HIV. Although a small percentage of prostitutes may be HIV positive, William Darrow, CDC AIDS epidemiology official, cites no proven cases of HIV transmission from prostitutes to clients. As for maintenance, STD’s could be controlled by providing licenses to people wishing to participate in prostitution-based acts, much like the regulations in the country of Turkey. The license can display their identification and any STD they could possibly have, therefore, if the license reads the prostitute or client as having HIV or herpes, she shall only participate in profited sexual acts legally with people infected with the same diseases to prevent incessant spreading.

My comments: Sure enough, this statement would agitate lot of people, as they would say, “But Ms. Opinionative, I don’t want the government to have control over my body you idiot.” First of all, no one said you had to be a prostitute. Second of all, no one said your children had to be prostitutes. Lastly, I’m merely suggesting you need to have consideration FOR the people that have BECOME prostitutes. Simply because you don’t like the idea of prostitution doesn’t mean you should convince others not to participate no matter how, probably in your brain, crazy as it sounds. May I ask, but firstly, let’s consider for example, you hate the thought of getting married. Because of that, would you want marriage to be illegal? I doubt it. The regime ALWAYS had control over one major part of your body, your brain, so why should your genitals be any different? I mean, if you don’t think the government should control your genitals, (which you apparently need your brain to use) you MUST don’t mind if someone rapes you because without regiment control by sexual standpoint, rape would be legal. To cure your possible oblivion, rape laws disallow unwanted sex. The government controls you by having you obey laws and doing certain acts that require a license such as driving. Prostitution license should be no different. Also, consider the fact I said PROSTITUTION license, NOT SEX license, meaning, if an individual wishes to participate in sexual acts for a FINANCIAL MEANS, a license is required. If regular sex, you’re free to do whatever you want.

In conclusion, if the general public and the government shared these views, prostitution would be legal. Remember readers, I'm not saying people should be convinced to be hookers, as smoking is legal, but I'm sure you wouldn't raise your child to smoke and damage his lung. Simply because of it decriminalization doesn't mean every woman would participate, it only means prostitutes would be spared from being arrested. I’m merely suggesting you need to have consideration FOR the people that have BECOME prostitutes. Therefore, open your mind, have consideration, and put a price on those pussies.

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